How to P45 an employee

To tell payback that an employee has left, you will have to issue a P45. They will stop appearing in the payroll screen for paydates after their leaving date. Here are instructions on how to issue a P45:

  1. In the Employee screen, select the employee and click the 'P45' button at the top of the screen.
  2. The P45 dialogue will appear. Enter the leave date for the employee.
  3. If there is a taxable lump sum enter it, and tick the 'deceased' box if the employee has died.
  4. Click the 'Process P45' button.
  5. A P45 Part(1) form will be displayed. This contains all the P45 information for the employee
  6. Go to the Reports screen.
  7. Select 'ROS P45'. Only employees that have been P45d will appear in the employee grid.
  8. Tick the employees you wish to produce the ROS P45 for.
  9. Click 'Create File' at the top of the reports screen
  10. Save the file to a location you will be able to find it later (Like your desktop)
  11. Go to your web browser and log into
  12. Submit the P45 file to ROS
  13. Once the file has been successfully transmitted, a PDF document should be sent to your inbox.

This PDF document will have a unique notice number assigned to it. You will be able to print copies of Parts 2, 3 and 4 of the P45 by opening the PDF document and selecting 'Print'. P45 stationery for printing of copies of Parts 2, 3 & 4 on the one page is available from Revenue.

You can now print a copy of the P45 (If you need to)

  1. Click the 'Reports' icon on the main menu
  2. Select 'P45'. The employee shuold appear in the list.
  3. Note, employees will only appear on this screen if you've already P45'd them from the Employee screen
  4. Select the employee and click 'Print Report' at the top of the screen.

(P45s printed directly from Payback are no longer acceptable to Revenue. They insist on their own stationery being used.)

If you've issued a P45 in error, it can be easily undone. Here's how;

  1. Go to the Employee screen.
  2. Select the employee from the list and click the 'P45' button at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the 'Undo P45' button.

You can now carry on processing this employee as if you never issued a P45.


If you need assistance with ROS please contact:

(P45s printed directly from Payback are no longer acceptable to Revenue. They insist on their own stationery being used.)

P45 Parts 2, 3 and 4 should be given to the employee on the date the employment ceases. The employee will need these parts to give to their new employer, claim tax refunds or claim social welfare benefits, such as Jobseeker's Benefit.

P45 stationery can be ordered from here:

Here is some general information about P45s


What to do if your P45 is rejected or the figures seem to be incorrect

P45 information is be taken from multiple locations. The employee contact details (such as name and address etc) are taken from the Employee screen. The figures and PRSI information is retrieved from the payments that have been processed in the Payroll screen and is merged with any figures that may be present the Year to Date screen.

Year to Date - This Employment (old system tab)

If you moved from an different Payroll system mid year to Payback, then there may be year to date figures entered for the employee. There may also be figures incorrectly entered in this section. To check or amend these figures:

  1. In the employee screen, select the employee
  2. Click the 'Year to Date' button at the top of the Employee screen
  3. Either a Year to Date wizard will appear, or a screen with two tabs at the top (P45 and Old System)
  4. (If the Year to Date wizard appeared, this means that no year to date details were recorded for the employee)
  5. If there are two tabs at the top of the screen, click the 'Old System' tab.
  6. Make any necessary changes and click 'Update Employee'

NOTE: Any figures entered in the Old System Tab apply to the current employment for the year specified

Year to Date - Previous Employment (P45 tab)

If the employee worked somewhere else during the year, and supplied a P45 then there may be year to date figures entered for the employee. There may also be figures incorrectly entered in this section. To check or amend these figures:

  1. In the employee screen, select the employee
  2. Click the 'Year to Date' button at the top of the Employee screen
  3. Either a Year to Date wizard will appear, or a screen with two tabs at the top (P45 and Old System)
  4. (If the Year to Date wizard appeared, this means that no year to date details were recorded for the employee)
  5. If there are two tabs at the top of the screen, click the 'P45' tab.
  6. Make any necessary changes and click 'Update Employee'

NOTE: Any figures entered in the P45 Tab apply to the previous employment for the employe and year of the 'Date Joined Company' field.

Processed payments in the Payroll Screen

Any payments process for the employee in the Payroll screen will also be used in the P45. (Processed payments are in normal text. Unprocessed are bold)

How the P45 figures are calculated

Section Name Description How is it Calculated?
Details Employer Attributes (employer name, number etc) Name of employer, employer number etc.. Company Screen
Details Employee Attributes (employee name, PPSN etc) Name and address of employee, PPSN etc.. Employee Screen
Details start Employment Start Date Employee Screen (Tax Tab)
Details end Employment End Date Employee Screen (Tax Tab)
PAYE taxcredit The weekly or monthly tax credit for the employee, depending on whether they were paid weekly or monthly. Employee Screen (Tax Tab)
PAYE cutoff The weekly or monthly cut off point for the employee, depending on whether they were paid weekly or monthly. Employee Screen (Tax Tab)
PAYE emergency True if emergency tax was applied. False or omitted otherwise. Employee Screen (Tax Tab)
PAYE totalpay Employee's total pay for the year.
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Previous Employment) +
Year to Date (Old System)
PAYE totaltax Amount of PAYE deducted or refunded in total this year.
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Previous Employment) +
Year to Date (Old System)
PAYE thispay Payment to employee in this employment.
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Old System)
PAYE thistax Amount of PAYE deducted or refunded in this employment.
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Old System)
PAYE thistaxrefunded True if the amount entered in 'thistax' attribute is a refunded amount otherwise false.
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Old System)
PAYE lumpsum Amount of lump sum paid to the employee. Employee Screen (P45 Button)
PRSI total Total PRSI contribution
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Old System)
PRSI employee Employee's PRSI
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Old System)
PRSI weeks (total) Total weeks insurable employment
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Old System Insurable weeks field)
PRSI class PRSI Class
Payroll Screen merged with
Year to Date (Old System)
PRSI weeks (per class) This is the number of weeks at the given class.
Payroll Screen merged with
Year to Date (Old System weeks per class)
Disability benefit Amount of illness benefit received by the employee
Payroll Screen
USC totalpaytodate Total Gross Pay for USC purposes from 1 January to Date of Cessation
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Previous Employment) +
Year to Date (Old System)
USC totalusctodate Total USC Deducted from 1 January to Date of Cessation
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Previous Employment) +
Year to Date (Old System)
USC totalpaythisemp If employment started since 1 January enter Gross Pay for USC purposes for this period of employment only
Payroll Screen merged with
Year to Date (Old System weeks per class)
USC totaluscthisemp If employment started since 1 January enter USC Deducted or USC Refunded for this period of employment only
Payroll Screen merged with
Year to Date (Old System weeks per class)
USC (cutoff) amount Weekly/Monthly Cut-Off Point 1, 2 or 3 Employee Screen (PRSI/USC Tab)
LPT amount Amount of LPT paid on behalf of employee throughout employment
Payroll Screen +
Year to Date (Previous Employment) +
Year to Date (Old System)


Solution to common P45 ROS errors

ROS Error Solution
"Value '29-08-1994' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '[0-3]?[0-9]/[0-3]?[0-9]/[1-9][0-9]{3}' for type 'date'" Your Windows date format may be incorrect.Make sure that the date parts (day/month/year) are separated by slashes '/' rather than minus signs '-'. You can change this in regional settings in Windows.
Field: Total Tax deducted from 1 January to Date of Cessation; Cannot be greater than the amount entered in the 'Total Pay from 1 January to Date of Cessation' Check the Year to Date figures for tax paid in both Old System and P45 tab.

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