Successful Submission

To check your payroll submission go to the Revenue > Submit screen.

Select the company, payment frequency and pay date that you wish to check.

On the Summary tab is a 'Check Submission' button. Click this and the figures will be updated.


On the tab are three columns:

A. Payback Summary for the pay date These figures are what have been currently processed (pay button clicked in Payroll screen) for this pay date. If you were to run a P30 for this pay frequency and pay date, these figures would be returned.

B. Submitted to Revenue These figures are what are currently on the Revenue Server (ROS) for this pay date and pay frequency. They are downloaded from the Revenue server when you click 'Check Submission'

The final column is the Difference between A and B. In the example opposite, the difference column displays zeros, which means there is no difference between what is in ROS and what is in Payback.

This means that the submission has been successful

Nothing Submitted

In this example, nothing has been submitted to Revenue and nothing has yet been processed in Payback for the selected pay date and payment frequency.

Problem with Submission

Here we can see that the 'Payback Summary' figures do not match the 'Submitted to Revenue' figures.

The differences are not zero in this example, so there is a problem.

This could happen because:

The payroll submission did not go through, or only partially went through with errors. Check the Errors tab to see if this is the case


Payments were made, changed or rewound in Payback after the payroll was submitted to Revenue

To fix this and resubmit the payroll, click the Submit button once more that the top of the screen. The previous submission will be deleted and replaced with the new one.

Sometimes the Revenue server 'Gets it wrong' and submissions double up. To fix this, click the Delete button at the top of the screen. Then click the Check Submission button. When the 'Submitted to Revenue' figures are zero, click the Submit button again. If the Revenue server is busy, it might take some time for the submitted to Revenue figures to zero.

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