
There are three areas where there can be problems with Revenue's Digital Certificates.

  1. Revenue (
  2. Downloading (Browser)
  3. Cloudpay

We are unable to help solve problems with Revenue. Only Revenue can fix those.

Sometimes a Revenue official will say the problem you are encountering is:

A payroll software problem


The issue may be with your payroll software


You will need to contact your payroll software provider as the issue is with them

What they mean by this is that you have either loaded the wrong certificate into your payroll software or you have not linked your certificate to your companies in your payroll software. They do not mean that there is an error or bug with the payroll software.


Cloudpay Problems 

If a digital certificate error message appears when you try to retrieve RPNs or submit a Payroll Submission, please check the following four items:

  • That you can access your payroll data using also uses a copy of your digital certificate to access data. It can be a good test to see if the certifcate is working. If you are unable to log into, or see your data in, you will need to contact Revenue for them to fix this.

  • You are using the same digital certificate in Cloudpay that you are for

It is possible that the digital certificate you are using in Cloudpay is different to the digital certificate you are using in This is the most common cause of digital certificate problems. To complicate matters, Revenue can also expire your digital certificate early, or change permissions. If you can access data in ROS, but not Cloudpay, then your are using different digital certificates.

  • Make sure that you are using the correct digital certificate in Cloudpay

Try reloading your digital certificate from ROS following our Digital Certificate Guide, or for tax agents TAIN digital certificates.

When downloading the certificate from ROS, be careful that you do not mix it up with an old digital certificate that you previously downloaded. This is a common problem. You might need to clear your browser cache and rename the certificate file to stop this from happening.

  • Check the that Employer Number and Password are both correct

The Employer No. (found in the Contact Tab of the Company screen) Must be entered and be correct for the certificate to work. It is made up of seven numbers followed by one, or two letters. An example is 5266273H. Check the Password is correct. This is the same password you use to log into Note that you may have recently changed this password, especially if Revenue have recently expired your certificate. If you are a Tax Agent and have a TAIN digital certificate, ensure that the TAIN is also correct, and that you have permission to access all of your clients in


Downloading Problems 

  • The Certificate file is corrupt

Try downloading the file again from The download might not have completed correctly.

Make sure that you are downloading the correct file, and not a HTML page.

There is also a known Revenue bug where certificates are corrupt. If your file is corrupt even after multiple attempts to download it, please contact Revenue.


  • The same (old) digital certificate file keeps getting downloaded from

When downloading the certificate file, try choosing a different location to save it. Try using an Incognito or In-Private browser Window to download the file, or clear your browser cache.


Revenue / ROS problems

Digital Certificate errors such as:
  • No active link between Agent TAIN and Employer Registration Number.
  • Agent does not have appropriate permissions.
  • Cert does not have appropriate permissions.
  • Unauthorised request: ROS Digital Certificate has expired.
  • Unauthorised request: Invalid ROS Digital Certificate provided.
  • Unauthorised request: Employer Registration Number and ROS Digital Certificate must be linked.
  • ERR Permissions problems

We would be very happy to help customers solve these errors. Unfortunately it is outside of our control. We are unable to issue new certificates, fix certificates or change permissions for certificates. Only Revenue can do that. We have no control over digital certificates and how they are issued. 

Whenever one of the above messages have appeared, the solution has always come from Revenue. The Revenue agent will fix the problem and issue a new digital certificate. Sometimes the certificate will even suddenly start working once Revenue changes a setting on their server.


TAIN Permissions

If you get one of these errors:

  • No active link between Agent TAIN and Employer Registration Number.
  • Agent does not have appropriate permissions.

Make sure that your TAIN digital certificate is linked for the company in ROS. See screenshot opposite. It should say both 'Payroll' and 'ERR'

NOTE: Permissions can take a number of days to become active for your digital certificate. There have been cases where it has taken 5 days for the link to work. You will keep receiving the error message until the link becomes active. There is nothing we can do about it, as Revenue deals with this.

Err Permissions

If you get one of these errors:

  • Cert does not have appropriate permissions.
  • ERR Permissions problems

Make sure that ERR Permissions are set up for the company in ROS. See screenshot opposite. The ERR permissions should be ticked.

NOTE: Permissions can take a number of days to become active for your digital certificate. There have been cases where it has taken 5 days for the link to work. You will keep receiving the error message until the link becomes active. There is nothing we can do about it, as Revenue deals with this.